aaji’s recipes

lonsa pie with aaji’s lonsa
lonsa pie with aaji’s lonsa
Tomato Pie and Lonsa - a Classic Pairing
750g flour
540g warm water
3/4 teaspoon yeast
3/4 tablespoon salt
Olive oil
Aaji's Tomato Lonsa
Parmesan cheese, grated (garnish)
We used @mad_about_food tomato pie dough from their Philly Tomato Pie recipe.
Once dough is ready for cooking, halve the dough into two 9x13 pans and top each pan with one container of any of our Tomato Lonsa varieties.
Bake the pies for 25 minutes and sprinkle with parmesan cheese before serving.
You can see how we make it here on AAJI'S instagram!